Riding Free Blog

The Yellow Riders - The Sunshine Kids

Posted by Amber Wighton on

The Yellow Riders - The Sunshine Kids

First, if you haven't taken the quiz make sure to do so here! Mister and Miss SUNSHINE!Your yellow cowboy or cowgirl can charm their way into getting anything and who desire your attention, affection, approval and appreciation above all!  It can be exhausting haha!  They talk non-stop during the lesson or to friends in the arena, will do anything to get the attention and the world revolves around them!  These are the FUN kids to be around and are almost always the life of the party! If you're on the way to a rodeo or play day, forget quiet time...

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The Ribbon Lovin' Red Riders

Posted by Amber Wighton on

The Ribbon Lovin' Red Riders
The reds are a perfect match for horses.  Horses need a controlled rider and the reds give them that.  They are the hardest workers and their horse will benefit greatly from their loyalty and dedication.

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Part 1 of 5: Your Child's "Personality Color" and Their Horse Journey

Posted by Amber Wighton on

Part 1 of 5: Your Child's "Personality Color" and Their Horse Journey
Do you ever wonder why some kids have less conflict with their horse?  Why your son can listen to your instruction or that of others and your daughter struggles to take advice?  This is a five part series where we introduce the "4 Colors of Personality" by Karen Stubbs and then follow up by writing about how to approach each personality with their horse (who knows, you may find it applies to parenting in general).

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Western Kid Holiday Gift Guide - $100 or Less!

Posted by Amber Wighton on

Western Kid Holiday Gift Guide - $100 or Less!
Holiday shopping for your little cowgirl or cowboy made a little easier with this short list of products with links (many even on Amazon!).  Happy Holidays friends!

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No More Skipping the Groundwork!

Posted by Amber Wighton on

No More Skipping the Groundwork!
Suggestions on groundwork exercises to do with your kids and their horses.  Links to youtube videos and content to help your kids get started.

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