Riding Free Blog

Laura's Hot Fudge

Posted by Amber Wighton on

Laura's Hot Fudge
My friend's secret family hot fudge recipe that I had to imitate through trial and error. Sharing with you!

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Part 1: 5 Tips for Trail Riding with Kids

Posted by Amber Wighton on

Part 1: 5 Tips for Trail Riding with Kids
Riding with kids...It can be super intimidating to trailer out somewhere new. Like those first outings you had with them as babies.  So much to remember...then add horses in! Whew! We have a few tips to help you out.

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Mammas, Don't Shrink

Posted by Amber Wighton on

Mammas, Don't Shrink

Hi Friends!  Is anyone else truckin' right along in January, eating all the good things and then BAM!!, those Girl Scouts hit the streets and now all you have are Thin Mints on the brain??  I'm there, haha. Seriously though, that organization is genius.  Don't compete with Christmas, then wait until people fall off the health bandwagon after the New Year and then ATTACK! OK, OK, I didn't bring you here to talk about Girl Scouts.  I'm writing to explain my rather bold comment on my Instagram post.  Now, as a disclaimer, this is not for the Mammas of infants,...

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The Blue Cowkids! Final of 5 Part Series on Personality Colors

Posted by Amber Wighton on

The Blue Cowkids!  Final of 5 Part Series on Personality Colors
Blues are deep-thinkers that are often process-driven, punctual perfectionists. These kiddos make great leaders as they can empathize with others and "feel" deeply.  They can often come off as being a little melancholy, but it may be because they are out of their routine or not living up to their own very high standards.

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The Greens! 4 of 5 Part Personality Color Series

Posted by Amber Wighton on

The Greens! 4 of 5 Part Personality Color Series
Your greens are the kids in the barn or at the rodeo that get along with everyone!  They are peaceful and easy-going and despise confrontation or conflict.  They are the ones who will often be the most obedient and respective of authority.  They are full of empathy and a great friend!  If your child is this personality type, you always feel comfortable leaving them at a lesson, know they will have great manners at friends houses and want to do exactly as they are told in regards to their horse.

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